Nutrition Principles
As mentioned earlier, carbohydrates and fats are responsible for weight gain; therefore with a high protein diet you should limit their consumption to a minimum. In this diet you should focus on providing adequate amounts of protein to your organism bearing in mind that 1 kg of body weight corresponds to about 2 - 2.5 g of protein. The demand for protein, however, depends on the person and its activity, as for example, in case of illness it serves also to rebuild the cells.
A table containing calories will help you respect the principles of this diet, so it will be possible to determine the exact protein needs of your organism. You can find the most animal protein in meat products; therefore this diet does not require many sacrifices from the people who like this type of food. All food consumed during the day meals should contain about 10-15% protein, so for the average adult its consumption ranges from 100 to 120 grams per day.